
About me: My wife and I bought land in Hoke County in 1987 and over time established a small operating farm. We have been intimately involved with Hoke County ever since. Both my wife and I are retired Navy officers and have one daughter.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Sociology with a concentration in Urban Planning and Minority Affairs

  • Master’s Degree in Strategic Planning

  • Master’s Degree in Foreign Relations

Work Experience:

  • Four Years in Public and Commercial Radio (Broadcast Journalist)

  • 25 years as Navy Officer (four ships, three major staffs afloat and ashore. Retired as Commander)

  • Three years Washington DC congressional representative for defense contractor

  • Eight years building contractor, Currently retired and farming


  • Raeford Presbyterian Church

  • Hoke-Raeford Chamber of Commerce

  • Hoke Kiwanis Club, Veterans of Foreign Wars (Hoke Chapter)

  • American Legion

Open & Honest Government

I believe citizens as taxpayers have a right to know how their government is operating and how their tax dollars are being spent. Not only is it the law, but it is the sacred obligation for officials to inform the citizens and answer their questions. We need to know the decisions being made and why they are being made.

Currently the newspaper that serves Hoke county is embattled with the county government for failure to provide requested information. Information the paper and Hoke citizens should know. The paper and citizens for example want to know the final cost and operating expenses of the James Leach Recreation Center and also total compensation commissioners receive.  The paper, after numerous requests, has been forced to file suit under the Freedom of Information Act. The county, instead of making timely efforts to provide the information, has elected to hire an additional attorney, at taxpayers' expense, to look into the matter.  What could possibly be the issue? The paper and the citizens have a right to know the information.

While they have provided some requested information, they have not provided the bulk of the information and they have seemingly taken retribution by beginning to file legal notices in the Fayetteville paper instead of the New-Journal which serves Hoke County. The result is citizens are further uninformed of important community matters.

If the good citizens of Hoke county elect me as commissioner this November, I will go out into the communities holding frequent "Town Halls"  to inform residents of what is happening and importantly ask what is on their minds and ideas for a better local government. Government will be open and honest!

Sensible Plan for Growth

The Hoke county land use plan is nearly 25 years old. Much has changed since the plan was formed and adopted. Adjoining counties have kept their plans updated and adjusted them frequently to meet the growth we have experienced since the huge Fort Liberty (Bragg) expansion. Hoke has neither changed nor upgraded.  The land use plan can be and should be an important document so that growth in the county is sensible and the plan can be used by all planners in the exercise of good government.  

Housing areas for example should be placed in areas where services such as schools, water, sewage, roads, law enforcement, fire stations, parks and commercial property can support the community. "Willy Nilly" planning as I call it, where thirty houses here, five houses there and six somewhere else make it nearly impossible to project where schools should be expanded or new ones built. People should, within reason, be able to live in the environment of their choosing. But, consideration should also be given to where expected support can be provided. Good planning makes a good community!

I have the background, the education and the experience to help the county plan for the future. Together we can move “Hoke Forward"!

Better Schools

The North Carolina constitution guarantees the opportunity for a good education for all our children. We have made progress in providing that opportunity in the last few years but surely more should and needs to be done. Children are our future. The school board and county commissioners should be joined at the hip in doing their respective jobs in providing the facilities and educational structure to make Hoke county schools among the best in the state.

As commissioner I would insist on frequent meetings of the commissioners and school board so that each can present views on needs and abilities to provide for those needs. Once again, good planning for growth of certain areas is the key to success here.


Feel free to contact with any questions.
